I believe that opening ourselves up is how we grow.
Let that sink in.
Does it make you feel a little uneasy to think about? Is sharing not your thing?
That’s where I come in. Why? Because I’ve been there. I know how uncomfortable it is to feel vulnerable and to speak up.
However you wish to tell your story, I can help when it comes to finding the right words when using LinkedIn to build your personal brand.

Read the LinkedIn Personal Brand Building Series:
- 1: How To Build A Personal Brand On LI (3 Steps)
- 2: What Is Personal Brand Building On LI?
- 3: Who Should Use LI To Build A Personal Brand?
- 4: Why Use LI To Build A Personal Brand?
- 5: Best Way To Build Your Personal Brand On LI
- 6: How Not To Use LinkedIn
- 7: Storytelling – The Key To A Personal Brand
I’ve spent the past several years mentoring women in their careers. In addition to that rewarding work, I’m a digital marketer and copywriter. All three of those pieces come together here where I help others learn how to build and leverage their personal brand on LinkedIn.
Take a look around and once you’re ready to chat, click the Work With Me link above. I look forward to working together.