I can’t imagine returning to an office.
Gone are the days of rushing around just to be EVERYWHERE on time!
No more high mileage daily commute.
Now I get to enjoy open windows and sunshine from home.
I get to take a walk in my neighborhood when I need a break.
Or use my treadmill under my standing desk to work and walk at the same time.
Makeup only gets applied on days when I have a video call scheduled.
I spend money on comfortable clothing and sensible shoes rather than business casual garments I only wore to the office.
My son is happier. I am happier.
We’ve become reacquainted with each other after the years I spent working in a suffocating office without windows or nearby restaurants or safe walking trails.
From within that office space, with its lack of sunshine that every living thing needs in order to grow, my growth became stunted.
Now, back in the great wide open world, I feel alive again.
My mental health is thankful. My body is thankful.
The fact that employers now value how we feel and think rather than simply putting a number to our productivity is so appreciated.
I get to show up at work as the best version of myself every single day, and that matters.
And this forced change in the way we work is the one GOOD thing that I’m grateful for over the past few years.
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